Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Salad Days - 04-05-13
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Sunday Apr 07, 2013
Arteries, Cock Sparrer, Waxahatchee, Cloak/Dagger and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: Off With Their Heads - Home - Epitaph artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord buzzcocks / sick city sometimes / merge cock sparrer / riot squad / carrere ruts / babylon's burning / virgin sham 69 / borstal breakout / polydor stranglers / tank / ua dictators / who will save rock 'n' roll / sr dickies / nights in white satin / a&m adolescents / amoeba / frontier arteries / bleed away / restless huntingtons / we don't care / tooth & nail runaways / cherry bomb / mercury capitalist kids / that's when i knew / toxic pop cheap girls / if you can't swim / rise zero boys / drive in / affirmation waxahatchee / coast to coast / don giovanni shirks / cry cry cry / grave mistake off with their heads / start walking / epitaph cops / invisible city / mt fuji broadway calls / bring on the storm / no sleep subhumans / mickey mouse is dead / fat wreck pissed jeans / bathroom laughter / sub pop borderlines / spotlight / insubordination old flings / t.b.c. / self aware ex friends / punk rock wedding, punk rock divorce / yo yo swingin' utters / brains / fat wreck hatepinks / microwave drugs / tko rvivr / paper thin / rumbletowne white lung / bag / deranged tenement / earwig / mandible sundials / completely broken / asian man teenage bottlerocket / summertime / fat wreck be my doppelganger / cha cha chump / it's alive placeholder / resent / better days hostage calm / don't die on me now / run for cover copyrights / cashiers / insubordination cloak/dagger / walk the block / jade tree cheap trick / elo kiddies / epic broadcaster / all your friends / sr 999 / fun thing / polydor world/inferno friendship society / second chance saloon / silver sprocket who / i'm a boy / mca ramones / glad to see you go / sire
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Salad Days - 03-29-13
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Wednesday Apr 03, 2013
Paint It Black, Iron Chic, Black Wine, Evens and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: Pissed Jeans - Honeys - Sub Pop artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord masshysteri / masshysteri del tva / ny vag mean jeans / anybody out there? / dirtnap fear of lipstick / summertime / it's alive x-ray spex / obsessed with you / emi hospital job / search party / insubordination hextalls / we're the castle crashers / rally torche / kicking / volcom pissed jeans / cathouse / sub pop p.s. eliot / acid flashbacks / freedom school swearin' / shrinking violet / salinas waxahatchee / coast to coast / don giovanni wild moth / mourning glory / asian man paint it black / panic / jade tree parasites / all the time in the world / kid tested mission of burma /t hat's when i reach for my revolver / ace of hearts big drill car / take away / cruz spraynard / jay's cafe / runner up small brown bike / as we go / no idea uk subs / emotional blackmail / captain oi! sidekicks / daisy / red scare iron chic / cutesy monster man / dead broke wipers / d-7 / zeno sundials / seventy-five / asian man rocket from the crypt / savoir faire / vagrant bomb the music industry! / savers / really measure [sa] / timburkulosis / no idea evens / mt pleasant isn't / dischord jerry's kids / i don't belong / xclaim fake boys / this is our sound / animal style failures' union / my book / paper + plastick family cat / mighty morphine power rangers / sr ergs! / i'm in trouble / dirtnap replacements / i'm not sayin' / new west joie de vivre / high school me would have been pumped / count your lucky stars swingin' utters / brains / fat wreck black wine / fence / don giovanni sam page / take it easy / sr descendents / i'm the one / epitaph
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Salad Days - 03-22-13
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Monday Mar 25, 2013
Latterman, Soul Asylum, World/Inferno Friendship Society, Operation Ivy and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: Swingin' Utters - Poorly Formed - Fat Wreck artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord dead to me / undertow / fat wreck dictators / faster and louder / asylum hives / 100 answers / no fun noise by numbers / 17 on the wayside / asian man new bomb turks / summer romance / get hip world/inferno friendship society / second chance saloon / silver sprocket monks / spotty face / emi agent orange / bloodstains / posh boy luther / the glory bees / chunksaah menzingers / lillith avi / red scare operation ivy / sound system / lookout! accelerators / got kicked in the front of my head / stardumb avengers / the american in me / white noise latterman / water manes at the block's end / deep elm sonic avenues / throw it away / dirtnap germs / lexicon devil / slash dillinger four / noble stabbings!! / fat wreck house boat / real life as a metaphor for real life / traffic street congenital death / moniz therapy / sr sickoids / my curse / residue swingin' utters / brains / fat wreck off with their heads / start walking / epitaph descendents / bikeage / sst bad religion / my head is full of ghosts / epitaph pissed jeans / cat house / sub pop rvivr / paper thin / rumbletowne screaming females / crushing the kingdom / don giovanni dickies / if stuart could talk / pvc rousers / magazine girl / torso broadway calls / bring on the storm / no sleep soul asylum / miracle mile / tin tone crime in stereo / not dead / bridge nine hold tight! / sky watching / animal style low culture / screens / dirtnap what's eating gilbert / complaining / bridge nine old flings / t.b.c. / self aware title fight / secret society / sideonedummy victim party / yellow jackets / black pint white lung / bag / deranged good luck / novel figure / no idea cloud nothings / stay useless / carpark brutal knights / take breaks / deranged
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Salad Days - 03-01-13
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Sunday Mar 03, 2013
Capitalist Kids, Pissed Jeans, Old Flings, Sonic Avenues and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: RVIVR - The Beauty Between - Rumbletowne
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Salad Days - 02-22-13
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Sunday Feb 24, 2013
Modern Action, Replacements, The Photo Atlas, Hospital Job and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: Low Culture - Screens - Dirtnap artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord generation x / ready steady go / chrysallis bob mould / briefest moment / merge pinkerton thugs / where the money goes / go-kart ramones / the job that ate my brain / radioactive low culture / screens / dirtnap masked intruder / wish you were mine / red scare teenage bottlerocket / summertime / fat wreck queers / today i fell in love / hopeless texas is the reason / if it's here when we get back it's ours / revelation pissed jeans / cathouse / sub pop screaming females / crushing the kingdom / don giovanni broadway calls / bring on the storm / no sleep shook ones / it's not what you think / runner up hospital job / search party / insubordination rolling stones / i wanna be your man / decca private dicks / she said go / heartbeat modern action / modern action / modern action queen / sheer heart attack / elektra what's eating gilbert / complaining / bridge nine old flings / t.b.c. / self aware borderlines / spotlight / insubordination civil war rust / seven down / all for hope ex friends / rainy season / yo yo cloud nothings / stay useless / carpark basement / covet / run for cover black wine / fence / don giovanni victim party / yellow jackets / black pint japandroids / the house that heaven built / polyvinyl front bottoms / maps / bar none grabass charlestons / stormy weather / no idea wild moth / mourning glow / asian man photo atlas / dress code / sr adventures / reach out to you / sr swearin' / shrinking violet / salinas hostage calm / don't die on me now / run for cover white lung / bag / deranged white wires / down on my own / dirtnap vindictives / the invisible man / vml replacements / color me impressed / tin tone
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Salad Days - 02-01-13
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Saturday Feb 02, 2013
Terrible Feelings, Fix, Minor Threat, Leatherface and more... Dacoit Dan sez, "check this out!!!": Sickoids - S/T - Residue artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord hextalls / i don't want to go down to the basement, either / sr fear of lipstick / correction facility / it's alive mean jeans / anybody out there? / dirtnap buddy holly / rave on / coral cramps / the mad daddy / illegal terrible feelings / intruders / deranged tenament / earwig / mandible speedy ortiz / basketball / sr vandals / my girlfriend's dead / nitro banner pilot / greenwood / fat wreck royal headache / girls / r.i.p. society street dogs / tobe has a drinking problem / grt bad brains / pay to cum / bad brain night birds / prognosis: negative / grave mistake minor threat / screaming at a wall / dischord government issue / teenager in a box / fountain of youth sickoids / my curse / residue saccharine trust / we don't need freedom / sst s.o.a. / gonna hafta fight / dischord deep sleep / head spins / grave mistake agent orange / bloodstains / posh boy omegas / f.s.o.m. / parts unknown boston strangler / primitive / fun with smack fix / vengeance / touch & go government warning / killing for fun / grave mistake rational animals / guess what? (crunch) / katorga works faith / in control / dischord f-minus / dragons teeth / hellcat off! / upside down / vice career suicide / quarantined / deranged this is your life / distractions / sr broadway calls / call it off / adeline menzingers / burn after writing / epitaph civil war rust / seven down / all for hope grabass charlestons / stormy weather / no idea green day / 2000 light years away / lookout ex friends / punk rock wedding, punk rock divorce / yo yo jetty boys / not even close / merman lisa doll & the rock 'n' roll romance / 666ick of it / sr didjits / headless / touch&go leatherface / never say goodbye / no idea teenage bottlerocket / summertime / fat wreck masked intruder / wish you were mine / red scare queers / psycho over you / suburban home cased closed / junior year / bungalo nofx / ronnie & mags / fat wreck
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Salad Days - 01-25-13
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Sunday Jan 27, 2013
Civil War Rust, Desaparecidos, Thee Machine Gun Elephant, Black Wine and more... Dacoit Dan's hot new release of the week: Ex Friends - Twisted Around EP - Yo Yo Records artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord uk subs / rebel radio / new red archives business / smash the discos / secret accelerators / got kicked in the front of my head / stardumb briefs / medication / crystal ex friends / punk rock wedding, punk rock divorce / yo yo desaparecidos / mall of america / saddle creek joyce manor / video killed the radio star / sr civil war rust / seven down / all for hope f*cked up / dangerous fumes / deranged youth stooges / down on the street / elektra teenage bottlerocket / forbidden planet / fat wreck queers / pull me out of it / asian man masked intruder / how do i get to you? / red scare cloud nothings / stay useless / carpark girls at our best! / getting nowhere fast / happy birthday black wine / fence / don gtiovanni stiff little fingers / alternative ulster / rough trade anti-flag / davey destroyed the punk scene / new red archives white lung / bag / deranged luther / the glory bees / chunksaah victim party / yellow jackets / black pint candy hearts / ticklish / violently happy school jerks / ugly minds, ugly faces / grave mistake adventures / reach out to you / sr hostage calm / don't die on me now / run for cover hop along / kids on the boardwalk / sr moving targets / less than gravity / taang! dag nasty / circles / dischord cute lepers / terminal boredom / blackheart cobra skulls / eagle eyes / fat wreck brutal knights / grow up, throw up / deranged eddy current suppression ring / which way to go / goner thee machine gun elephant / west cabaret drive / triad cayetana / south philly / sr wild moth / mourning glow / asian man buzzcocks / everybody's happy nowadays / emi alkaline trio / fatally yours / vagrant undertones / get over you / sire t-division / so long and thanks for all the sushi / sr
Tuesday Jan 22, 2013
Salad Days - 01-11-13
Tuesday Jan 22, 2013
Tuesday Jan 22, 2013
Spits, Victim Party, Royal Headache, Swellers and more... Dacoit Dan sez, "grab this LP now, sucka!": Family Cat - Dealing With Depression - SR artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord spits / all i want / in the red beat / walking out on love / columbia marked men / fix my brain / swami hextalls / we're the castle crashers / rally descendents / i'm the one / epitaph dmz / mighty idy / sire family cat / maps / sr rockets on wire / fall / sr failures' union / my book / sr rome romeo / the heater / machette time again / lines are faded / hellcat bomb the music industry! / everybody that you love / really ergs! / only babies cry / dirtnap victim party / yellow jackets / black pint coffee project / easy does it / paper + plastick pinpoint / richmond / albion swellers / bad for me / snowbird songs 13th floor elevators / you're gonna miss me / international artists femurs / i love her so / homespun laura stevenson & the cans / the wait / don giovanni royal headache / girls / r.i.p. society loved ones / the inquirer / fat wreck joel plasket / precious, precious, precious / maple luther / the glory bees / chunksaah swearin' / here to hear / salinas tina peel / knockin' down guardrails / sin be my doppelganger / pizza party at spinneli's / it's alive rivals / here comes the night / oakwood frank turner / pay to cum / xtra mile daytrader / deadfriends / rise grabass charlestons / stormy weather / no idea rust belt lights / home, sweet home / paper + plastick none more black / sinatra after dark / fat wreck dark meat / one more trip / vice planes mistaken for stars / copper and stars / deep elm cheap time / when tomorrow comes / deep elms avail / black and red / fat wreck fresh coats / in a perfect world / sr t-division / raped morals / sr
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Salad Days - 01-04-13 - Best of 2012 (pt 2)
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Dacoit Dan's Salad Days Best of 2012 Show (pt 2) Dacoit Dan's "most pissed that I missed, but glad I found in 2012": Rockets On Wire - I Am Not Your Home - SR artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord family cat / mighty morphine power rangers / sr white lung / bag / deranged hives / 1000 answers / no fun ab useless id / before it kills / fat wreck toys that kill / i don't want to be around / recess rockets on wire / fall / sr japandroids / the house that heaven built / polyvinyl bob mould / briefest moment / merge sonic avenues / throw it away / dirtnap holy mess / the lonliest girl ever to hold a martini / red john k samson / when i write my masters thesis / anti- parlour tricks / radio out / sr muncie girls / bum chicago / specialist subject reveling / trust me / black numbers eeries / should've stayed home / evil weevil gaslight anthem / 45 / island def jam anti-flag / neoliberal anthem / sideonedummy dan vapid & the cheats / torture chamber / sr swearin' / shinking violet / salinas white wires / down on my own / dirtnap hot water music / drag my body / rise candy hearts / matchbox cars / violently happy river jumpers / heartstrong / sr bangers / the borrower / specialist subject victim party / yellow jackets / black pint restoration / a / tiny engines wid moth / mourning glow / asian man basement / covet / run for cover black wine / fence / don giovanni mewithoutyou / fox's dream of the log flume / pine street one man army / plastique / adeline speedy ortiz / basketball / sr modern superstitions / school days / last gang torche / kicking / volcom cloud nothings / stay useless / carpark ambulars / we're golden / salinas vindictives / joining the circus / sexy baby
Sunday Dec 30, 2012
Salad Days - 12-28-12 - Best of 2012
Sunday Dec 30, 2012
Sunday Dec 30, 2012
Dacoit Dan's Salad Days Best of 2012 Show... Dacoit Dan's Top 10 LPs of 2012: 1. Sidekicks - Awkward Breeds - Red Scare 2. Menzingers - On the Impossible Past - Epitaph 3. Masked Intruder - S/T - Red Scare 4. Cheap Girls - Giant Orange - Rise 5. Dopamines - Vices - It's Alive! 6. Classics of Love - S/T - Asian Man 7. Sundials - When I Couldn't Breathe - Asian Man 8. Joyce Manor - Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired - SR 9. Hold Tight! - Blizzard of '96 - Animal Style 10. Fake Boys - Pig Factory - Animal Style Thank you for listening to Salad Days in 2012. Happy New Year!!! -Dan artist / song / label: minor threat / salad days / dischord grey area / bad anything / black numbers copyrights / straight to the office / black numbers t-division / raped morals / sr strong city / this will be the death of us all / bloated kat fake boys / this is our sound / animal style hold tight! / a cup, a ship, a speeder / animal style joyce manor / comfortable clothes / sr sundials / completely broken / asian man classics of love / gun show / asian man dopamines / don't mosh the organ / it's alive! cheap girls / gone all summer / rise masked intruder / how do i get to you? / red scare menzingers / burn after writing / epitaph sidekicks / daisy / red scare swearin' / here to hear / salinas delay / whomever / shout out loud title fight / secret society / sideonedummy wet nurse / my nature / sr big awesome / living with love / sr big eyes / back from the moon / grave mistake grabass charlestons / stormy weather / no idea dowsing / what did you ever do? / count your lucky stars bad brains / suck sess / megaforce pedals on our pirate ships / side by side / say-10 school jerks / ugly minds, ugly faces / grave mistake kite party / we won't survive / animal style boston strangler / primitive / fun with smack hop along / tibetan pop stars / sr bloody gears / bite the hand / grave mistake this is your life / distractions / glass nail bouncing souls / static / chunksaah hextalls / i don't want to play tiger woods without you / sr joie de vivre / high school me would have been pumped / count your lucky stars hostage calm / don't die on me now / run for cover broadcaster / tightrope walker / jump start teenage bottlerocket / who killed sensei? / fat wreck adventures / i feel so sure / sr luther / the glory bees / chunksaah spraynard / you can't get there from here / asian man